About yadental

Shenzhen Yadental trading Co.,Ltd, an 拿家extension company based on Shen不們zhen Xinjiajiale tradi懂和ng Co.,Ltd, is a professional ag湖市ent for dentistry, Mechanic r厭跳oom equipment and i身遠nstrument, as well as the 事去clinical materials. We have many clie光樂nts around the country under the princi那如ple of “Quality first, service f男有irst, customer first”. We devel民理op to a modern enterprise with th理嗎e professional services and the rap北作id and diversified shippin喝說g channels in the field. Ou紅一r head company is in the又費 commercial district of Sh和文enzhen, and we also have o吃長ffices in Shenyang, Jin這黑an in order to meet t樂你he needs of clients wi南師th the most convenient and effic知鄉ient ways.


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